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VITO Tabs - pastiglie detergenti per friggitrici - Detergente specifico in tabs: pulizia efficace e intensiva delle friggitrici

VITO Tabs - pastiglie detergenti per friggitrici - Detergente specifico in tabs: pulizia efficace e intensiva delle friggitrici

VITO tabs sono pastiglie di detergente concentrato solubili in acqua bollente per la pulizia delle friggitrici. Utili per sgrassare/detergere friggitrici, cestelli e accessori in modo efficace ed efficiente permettendo il risparmio di energia elettrica, tempo e costi. Confezionate singolarmente: dosaggio semplice e sicuro facile utilizzo, risparmio manodopera elimina grasso e olio carbonizzati pulizia intensiva delle friggitrici
Hideg Vizes Magasnyomású Tisztító Egyszfázisú - 540 l/h 160 bar (Rendszeres Használat 4-5 óra/nap)

Hideg Vizes Magasnyomású Tisztító Egyszfázisú - 540 l/h 160 bar (Rendszeres Használat 4-5 óra/nap)

Model 50041/43/44 is Made-in-France, and guaranteed 4 years, single phased 220V supply at 2200W. Brass Pump Type. Engine turns at 1450 RPM, 3 HP Engine. Light to medium-weight at 39kg on big inflated wheels for handling comfort, it's welded steelframe helps in its sturdiness. Total Stop system. Easy and simple in maintenance, the casing can be opened and main spare parts to change is easily accessible (no electronics). Radial brass pump; Noise level : 90dB .Ceramic pistons - known for its robust and corrosion resistance.
Hulladék akkumulátorok, vas hulladék, használt sín hulladék - Hulladék fémek vas és nem vas

Hulladék akkumulátorok, vas hulladék, használt sín hulladék - Hulladék fémek vas és nem vas

We are the best source for ferrous scrap metal and non-ferrous scrap metals. With five recycling locations scattered around EU, and an active demolition and dismantling service we have a huge supply of scrap metal. In addition, we buy scrap metal from national and international customers and resell it to people just like you at affordable prices. As one of the largest scrap metal dealers in the EU, our business, for the past 40 years, has always focused on quality. So while we have a huge supply of scrap metal it is all graded and sorted according to the standards of the metal industry. What that means for you is that when you buy scrap metal you are not just buying a ton of copper, but a ton of copper that is sorted, process and rated according to the standards set forth by the metal industry. We accept a wide variety of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap and surplus metal products.


Használt kondenzáló egységek - Kompresszorok, használt kondenzáló egységek és hűtőberendezések

Használt kondenzáló egységek - Kompresszorok, használt kondenzáló egységek és hűtőberendezések

Unidades de condensación para distintos fluidos frigoríficos, instalaciones con CO2 en cascada y compresores de pistón, de tornillo, SCROLL, disponemos de un stock de material de producción de frio industrial para cualquiera de sus proyectos. Nuestro material frigorífico esta vendido con garantía después de haberlo probado en funcionamiento para validar la calidad de nuestros productos.
Eredeti cellulózából készült pótfilterek VITO - Eredeti cellulózafilterek VITO: könnyen használható, biztonságos és 100%-ban biológiailag lebomló

Eredeti cellulózából készült pótfilterek VITO - Eredeti cellulózafilterek VITO: könnyen használható, biztonságos és 100%-ban biológiailag lebomló

L'alta efficienza dei filtri originali in cellulosa a pieghe VITO permette di rispettare completamente i più alti standard qualitativi nella ristorazione, offrendo il miglior filtraggio possibile fino a 5µm (micron) Caratteristiche: Filtro 100% in cellulosa 100% biodegradabile Filtraggio fino a 5 micron qualità assicurata da oltre 15 anni Disponibili in scatole da 100 pezzi Utilizzando i filtri in cellulosa VITO non solo garantite la qualità dei vostri fritti, ma potrete anche ridurre il consumo dell'olio di frittura.